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Lanham, J., Mazloff, M., Naveira Garabato, A. C., Siegert, M., & Mashayek, A. (2025). Seasonal regimes of warm Circumpolar Deep Water intrusion toward Antarctic ice shelves. Communications Earth & Environment, 6(1), 168.
Cho, A., Song, H., Seo, H., Sun, R., Mazloff, M. R., Subramanian, A. C., Cornuelle, B. D., & Miller, A. J. (2025). Dynamic and thermodynamic coupling between the atmosphere and ocean near the Kuroshio current and extension system. Ocean Modelling, 194, 102496.
Wang, Y., Mazloff, M. R., Verdy, A., Cerovecki, I., Kheireddine, M., Naylor, P., Krokos, G., & Hoteit, I. (2025). Observations and Biogeochemical Modeling Reveal Chlorophyll Diel Cycle With Near‐Sunset Maxima in the Red Sea. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 39(2), e2024GB008226.
Kuhn, A. M., Mazloff, M. R., Gille, S. T., & Verdy, A. (2025). Sensitivity of Chlorophyll Vertical Structure to Model Parameters in the Biogeochemical Southern Ocean State Estimate (B‐SOSE). Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 130(1), e2024JG008300.
Nakayama, Y., Malyarenko, A., Zhang, H., Wang, O., Auger, M., Nie, Y., Fenty, I., Mazloff, M., Köhl, A., & Menemenlis, D. (2024). Evaluation of MITgcm-based ocean reanalyses for the Southern Ocean. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(23), 8613–8638.
Dinh, A., Rignot, E., Mazloff, M., & Fenty, I. (2024). Modeling Ocean Heat Transport to the Grounding Lines of Pine Island, Thwaites, Smith, and Kohler Glaciers, West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(19), e2024GL110078.
Chu, W. U., Mazloff, M. R., Verdy, A., Purkey, S. G., & Cornuelle, B. D. (2024). Optimizing observational arrays for biogeochemistry in the tropical Pacific by estimating correlation lengths. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, lom3.10641.
Barnard, A., Boss, E., Haëntjens, N., Orrico, C., Chamberlain, P., Frouin, R., Mazloff, M., & Tan, J. (2024). A float-based Ocean color vicarious calibration program. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5, 1373540.
Chamberlain, P., Frouin, R. J., Tan, J., Mazloff, M., Barnard, A., Boss, E., Haëntjens, N., & Orrico, C. (2024). Selecting HyperNav deployment sites for calibrating and validating PACE ocean color observations. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5, 1333851.
Barnard, A., Boss, E., Haëntjens, N., Orrico, C., Frouin, R., Tan, J., Klumpp, J., Dewey, M., Walter, D., Mazloff, M., & Chamberlain, P. (2024). Design and verification of a highly accurate in-situ hyperspectral radiometric measurement system (HyperNav). Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5, 1369769.
Hsu, T.-Y., Mazloff, M. R., Gille, S. T., Freilich, M. A., Sun, R., & Cornuelle, B. D. (2024). Response of sea surface temperature to atmospheric rivers. Nature Communications, 15(1), 5018.
Narayanan, A., Roquet, F., Gille, S. T., Gülk, B., Mazloff, M. R., Silvano, A., & Naveira Garabato, A. C. (2024). Ekman-driven salt transport as a key mechanism for open-ocean polynya formation at Maud Rise. Science Advances, 10(18), eadj0777.
Tan, J., Frouin, R., Häentjens, N., Barnard, A., Boss, E., Chamberlain, P., Mazloff, M., & Orrico, C. (2024). Reconstructing hyper-spectral downwelling irradiance from multi-spectral measurements. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5, 1335627.
Dinh, A., Rignot, E., Mazloff, M., & Fenty, I. (2024). Southern Ocean High‐Resolution (SOhi) Modeling Along the Antarctic Ice Sheet Periphery. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(3), e2023GL106377.
Shackelford, K., Demott, C. A., van Leeuwen, P. J., Mazloff, M. R., & Sun, R. (2024). A Cold Lid on a Warm Ocean: Indian Ocean Surface Rain Layers and Their Feedbacks to the Atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 129(4), 22.
Prend, C. J., MacGilchrist, G. A., Manucharyan, G. E., Pang, R. Q., Moorman, R., Thompson, A. F., Griffies, S. M., Mazloff, M. R., Talley, L. D., & Gille, S. T. (2024). Ross Gyre variability modulates oceanic heat supply toward the West Antarctic continental shelf. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 47.
Keppler, L., Eddebbar, Y. A., Gille, S. T., Guisewhite, N., Mazloff, M. R., Tamsitt, V., Verdy, A., & Talley, L. D. (2024). Effects of Mesoscale Eddies on Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry. AGU Advances, 5(6), e2024AV001355.
Almeida, L., Mazloff, M. R., & Mata, M. M. (2024). The Influence of Surface Fluxes on Export of Southern Ocean Intermediate and Mode Water in Coupled Climate Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(11), e2024JC021841.
Ellison, E., Mazloff, M., & Mashayek, A. (2024). The Rapid Response of Southern Ocean Biological Productivity to Changes in Background Small Scale Turbulence. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(10), e2024JC021158.
Sun, R., Sanikommu, S., Subramanian, A. C., Mazloff, M. R., Cornuelle, B. D., Gopalakrishnan, G., Miller, A. J., & Hoteit, I. (2024). Enhanced regional ocean ensemble data assimilation through atmospheric coupling in the SKRIPS model. Ocean Modelling, 191, 102424.
Twelves, A. G., Goldberg, D. N., Holland, P. R., Henley, S. F., Mazloff, M. R., & Jones, D. C. (2024). Chlorophyll Production in the Amundsen Sea Boosts Heat Flux to Atmosphere and Weakens Heat Flux to Ice Shelves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(9), e2024JC021121.
Menezes, V. V., Robbins, P., Furey, H., & Mazloff, M. (2024). Deep Argo Observations of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Deep Fracture Zones of the Southwest Indian Ridge. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(7), e2024JC021165.
Kachelein, L., Gille, S. T., Mazloff, M. R., & Cornuelle, B. D. (2024). Characterizing Non‐Phase‐Locked Tidal Currents in the California Current System Using High‐Frequency Radar. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(7), e2023JC020340.
Tchonang, B. C., Archer, M. R., Gopalakrishnan, G., Cornuelle, B., Mazloff, M. R., Wang, J., & Fu, L.-L. (2024). Evaluation of a 4DVAR Assimilation System in the California Current at the SWOT Calibration/Validation Site. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 41(6), 533–549.
Eddebbar, Y. A., Whitt, D. B., Verdy, A., Mazloff, M. R., Subramanian, A. C., & Long, M. C. (2024). Eddy‐Mediated Turbulent Mixing of Oxygen in the Equatorial Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(3), e2023JC020588.
Tedesco, P. F., Baker, L. E., Naveira Garabato, A. C., Mazloff, M. R., Gille, S. T., Caulfield, C. P., & Mashayek, A. (2024). Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Near-Surface Turbulent Cascade at the Submesoscale in the Drake Passage. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54(1), 187–215.
Young, R., Merrifield, S., Anderson, M., Mazloff, M., & Terrill, E. (2024). A Greedy Depth-Seeking Behavior for Energy-Efficient Transits by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 1–14.
Luo, H., Yang, Q., Mazloff, M., Nerger, L., & Chen, D. (2023). The Impacts of Optimizing Model‐Dependent Parameters on the Antarctic Sea Ice Data Assimilation. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(22), e2023GL105690.
Wei, H., Subramanian, A. C., Karnauskas, K. B., Du, D., Balmaseda, M. A., Sarojini, B. B., Vitart, F., DeMott, C. A., & Mazloff, M. R. (2023). The role of in situ ocean data assimilation in ECMWF subseasonal forecasts of sea‐surface temperature and mixed‐layer depth over the tropical Pacific ocean. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, qj.4570.
Taylor, B. A., MacGilchrist, G. A., Mazloff, M. R., & Talley, L. D. (2023). Freshwater Displacement Effect on the Weddell Gyre Carbon Budget. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(18), e2023GL103952.
Sun, R., Cobb, A., Villas Bôas, A. B., Langodan, S., Subramanian, A. C., Mazloff, M. R., Cornuelle, B. D., Miller, A. J., Pathak, R., & Hoteit, I. (2023). Waves in SKRIPS: WAVEWATCH III coupling implementation and a case study of Tropical Cyclone Mekunu. Geoscientific Model Development, 16(12), 3435–3458.
Luo, H., Yang, Q., Mazloff, M., & Chen, D. (2023). A Balanced Atmospheric Ensemble Forcing for Sea Ice Modeling in Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(5), e2022GL101139.
Lin, Y., Yang, Q., Mazloff, M., Wu, X., Tian-Kunze, X., Kaleschke, L., Yu, L., & Chen, D. (2023). Transiting consolidated ice strongly influenced polynya area during a shrink event in Terra Nova Bay in 2013. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 54.
Sarmiento, J. L., Johnson, K. S., Arteaga, L. A., Bushinsky, S. M., Cullen, H. M., Gray, A. R., Hotinski, R. M., Maurer, T. L., Mazloff, M. R., Riser, S. C., Russell, J. L., Schofield, O. M., & Talley, L. D. (2023). The Southern Ocean carbon and climate observations and modeling (SOCCOM) project: A review. Progress in Oceanography, 219, 103130.
Hauck, J., Gregor, L., Nissen, C., Patara, L., Hague, M., Mongwe, P., Bushinsky, S., Doney, S. C., Gruber, N., Le Quéré, C., Manizza, M., Mazloff, M., Monteiro, P. M. S., & Terhaar, J. (2023). The Southern Ocean Carbon Cycle 1985–2018: Mean, Seasonal Cycle, Trends, and Storage. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37(11), e2023GB007848.
Chamberlain, P., Talley, L. D., Mazloff, M., Van Sebille, E., Gille, S. T., Tucker, T., Scanderbeg, M., & Robbins, P. (2023). Using Existing Argo Trajectories to Statistically Predict Future Float Positions with a Transition Matrix. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 40(9), 1083–1103.
Ellison, E., Mashayek, A., & Mazloff, M. (2023). The Sensitivity of Southern Ocean Air‐Sea Carbon Fluxes to Background Turbulent Diapycnal Mixing Variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(9), e2023JC019756.
Geyer, F., Gopalakrishnan, G., Sagen, H., Cornuelle, B., Challet, F., & Mazloff, M. (2023). Data Assimilation of Range- and Depth-Averaged Sound Speed from Acoustic Tomography Measurements in Fram Strait. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 40(9), 1023–1036.
Verdy, A., Mazloff, M. R., Cornuelle, B. D., & Subramanian, A. C. (2023). Balancing Volume, Temperature, and Salinity Budgets During 2014–2018 in the Tropical Pacific Ocean State Estimate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(7), e2022JC019576.
Kuhn, A. M., Mazloff, M., Dutkiewicz, S., Jahn, O., Clayton, S., Rynearson, T., & Barton, A. D. (2023). A Global Comparison of Marine Chlorophyll Variability Observed in Eulerian and Lagrangian Perspectives. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(7), e2023JC019801.
Narayanan, A., Gille, S. T., Mazloff, M. R., Du Plessis, M. D., Murali, K., & Roquet, F. (2023). Zonal Distribution of Circumpolar Deep Water Transformation Rates and Its Relation to Heat Content on Antarctic Shelves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(6), e2022JC019310.
Mazloff, M. R., Verdy, A., Gille, S. T., Johnson, K. S., Cornuelle, B. D., & Sarmiento, J. (2023). Southern Ocean Acidification Revealed by Biogeochemical‐Argo Floats. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(5), e2022JC019530.
Rousselet, L., Cessi, P., & Mazloff, M. R. (2023). What Controls the Partition between the Cold and Warm Routes in the Meridional Overturning Circulation? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(1), 215–233.
Cerovečki, I., Sun, R., Bromwich, D. H., Zou, X., Mazloff, M. R., & Wang, S.-H. (2022). Impact of downward longwave radiative deficits on Antarctic sea-ice extent predictability during the sea ice growth period. Environmental Research Letters, 17(8), 084008.
White, M. E., Rafter, P. A., Stephens, B. M., Mazloff, M. R., Wankel, S. D., & Aluwihare, L. I. (2022). Stable isotopes of nitrate record effects of the 2015–2016 El Niño and diatom iron limitation on nitrogen cycling in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, lno.12194.
Cai, Y., Chen, D., Mazloff, M. R., Lian, T., & Liu, X. (2022). Topographic Modulation of the Wind Stress Impact on Eddy Activity in the Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(13).
Fernández Castro, B., Mazloff, M., Williams, R. G., & Naveira Garabato, A. C. (2022). Subtropical Contribution to Sub‐Antarctic Mode Waters. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(11).
Trossman, D. S., Whalen, C. B., Haine, T. W. N., Waterhouse, A. F., Nguyen, A. T., Bigdeli, A., Mazloff, M., & Heimbach, P. (2022). Tracer and observationally derived constraints on diapycnal diffusivities in an ocean state estimate. Ocean Science, 18(3), 729–759.
Prend, C. J., Hunt, J. M., Mazloff, M. R., Gille, S. T., & Talley, L. D. (2022). Controls on the boundary between thermally and non-thermally driven pCO(2) regimes in the South Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(9), 11.
Arumi-Planas, C., Hernandez-Guerra, A., Cainzos, V., Velez-Belchi, P., Farneti, R., Mazloff, M. R., Mecking, S., Rosso, I., Chretien, L. M. S., Speer, K. G., & Talley, L. D. (2022). Variability in the meridional overturning circulation at 32 degrees S in the Pacific Ocean diagnosed by inverse box models. Progress in Oceanography, 203, 20.